11 research outputs found

    Home- and Car-Based Rules in Foster Care Settings to Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke: Before and after Romanian National Clean Air Legislation.

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    Background: To evaluate changes in smoke free rules in the foster care system after the implementation of the Romanian national clean air law. Methods: A repeated cross-sectional, self-administered questionnaire among foster care employees (n = 599) was conducted in 58 foster care homes during 2014 (n = 295) and 51 homes during 2016 (n = 304). We estimated the absolute difference in the proportion of employees who stated that smoke free rules existed before and after national clean air legislation. Results: There was an absolute increase in 4 of 5 smoke free measures after the law: bans on non-cigarette tobacco products (n = 169 to 206, +10.6%), non-smoking on premises for adults (n = 142 to 202, +18.3%), and for children (n = 201 to 239, +10.3%), and no smoking in cars to transport children (n = 194 to 227, +9%). There was a significant increase in the perception of outdoor bans that prohibit employees from smoking on foster care home premises (AOR 2.24, 95% CI 1.14(-)4.38). The increase in the perception of indoor smoking bans did not change. Conclusion: The national law may have had a spillover influence by strengthening smoke free rules in unregulated spaces. Nonetheless, foster care home rules could be further enhanced, particularly in cars that transport children

    Interaction of factor XIII subunits

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    Coagulation factor XIII (FXIII) is a heterotetramer consisting of 2 catalytic A subunits (FXIII-A2) and 2 protective/inhibitory B subunits (FXIII-B2). FXIII-B, a mosaic protein consisting of 10 sushi domains, significantly prolongs the lifespan of catalytic subunits in the circulation and prevents their slow progressive activation in plasmatic conditions. In this study, the biochemistry of the interaction between the 2 FXIII subunits was investigated. Using a surface plasmon resonance technique and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-type binding assay, the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) for the interaction was established in the range of 10(-10) M. Based on the measured Kd, it was calculated that in plasma approximately 1% of FXIII-A2 should be in free form. This value was confirmed experimentally by measuring FXIII-A2 in plasma samples immunodepleted of FXIII-A2B2. Free plasma FXIII-A2 is functionally active, and when activated by thrombin and Ca(2+), it can cross-link fibrin. In cerebrospinal fluid and tears with much lower FXIII subunit concentrations, >80% of FXIII-A2 existed in free form. A monoclonal anti-FXIII-B antibody that prevented the interaction between the 2 subunits reacted with the recombinant combined first and second sushi domains of FXIII-B, and its epitope was localized to the peptide spanning positions 96 to 103 in the second sushi domain

    A Drosophila melanogaster sejtes immunitása = The cellular immunity of Drosophila melanogaster

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    A Drosophila sejtközvetítette immunválaszának szabályozását vizsgáltuk valamint molekuláris immunológiai és genetikai ismeretek elsajátítását és projekt építését tettük lehetővé a tudomány iránt érdeklődő diákok és kutatók számára.Adult Drosophila vérsejtjeire, makrofágokra és a lamellocitákra jellemző markereket azonosítottunk.Az L5 antigén a lamellociták differenciálódásának a szuppresszora.A P1 antigénről (Nimród) megállapítottuk, hogy részt vesz a fagocitózisban.A P1 molekula jellegzetes motívumot hordoz (Nim-repeat),mely egy szupercsaládot határoz meg:tagjai a kódoló gén közvetlen környezetében helyezkednek el. Javaslatot tettünk a Nim repeat kialakulásának a modelljére,leírtuk a Nimród szuprcsalád lehetséges evolúcióját.A vérképzést és a vérsejtek funkcióit szabályozó géneket és molekulákat azonosítottunk.Egy epigenetikus regulátorról megállapítottuk,hogy a vérsejtek osztódását,egy mestergénről pedig,hogy a lamellociták differenciálódását szabályozza.RNSi mutánsgyűjteményben a szesszilis szövet kialakulásában résztvevő génterméket azonosítottunk.Megállapítottuk, hogy a lamellociták a szesszilis szövetből származnak,effektorsejtekké történő differenciálódásuk lépései immunológiai markerekkel nyomonkövethetők.Eddig nem ismert sejteket találtunk Drosophila fajokban és a jellemzésükre alkalmas immunológiai markereket azonosítottunk.Az általunk felismert markereket a Drosophila vérsejt-differenciálódását és funkcióit vizsgáló laboratóriumokban rutinszerűen használják. | We studied the regulation cellular immunity of Drosophila and developed a training-unit based on the research and teaching experience of our multidisciplinary team, with a broad interest in molecular immunology. Results: We identified markers for embryonic macrophages, lamellocytes and blood cells of the adult fly. We described the L5 antigen as a suppressor of lamellocyte development. We defined P1 antigen (Nimrod) as a phagocytosis receptor with a structurally and phylogenetically conserved characteristic unit, the Nim repeat. The repeat defines a superfamily with members located in the close proximity of the p1 gene. We suggested a model for the origin of the Nim repeat, and described the possible evolution of the superfamily. We defined an epigenetic regulator of blood cell differentiation and a master gene regulating the development of lamellocytes. We defined the sessile hematopoietic tissue as the source of lamellocytee precursors. We characterized sequential events in lamellocyte development from sessile stem cells to mature lamellocytes by sequential expression of lamellocyte antigens. We found so far undefined cell types in Drosophila species and developed immunological markers for them. The hemocyte markers defined in our laboratory are used worldwide routinely in studies of blood cell development and function in Drosophila